Admissions Process
At Lab, we want every interaction your child or family has with us to be as stress-less and seamless as possible.
“On day one, my son was apprehensive going to school. In the morning on day two, he said, ‘Mom, I’m going to listen to everything you say so we can get to school on time! It’s so much more fun than my old school!”
— New Lab School Parent
Use the information below to review all the steps necessary for application to The Lab School. If you have questions along the way, do not hesitate to reach out to our Admissions staff. We are here to help answer your questions and help you with the process.
Parents unfamiliar with The Lab School should attend one of our Admissions Information Sessions. Please visit our Virtual Information Sessions page for dates and more information about visiting Lab.
Parents who are interested in enrolling their child in the Global Division (Lab Online) should reach out to Bryan Riha by email at bryan.riha@labschool.org.
We accept applications throughout the year for possible mid-year openings; however, the usual procedure is to submit an application in the Fall for the following school year. Apply as early as possible to allow time for application review, visit scheduling, and completion of the process. Our priority application deadline is January 15; however, we do have rolling admissions, as space allows, after that date.
Enrollment in the Global Division (Lab Online) works a bit differently due to their year round school calendar. Applications are accepted throughout the year.
To initiate the process, please start an inquiry via the button below. If you think you may already be in our database, please email admissions@labschool.org to access the application. Any materials submitted to The Lab School remain part of our confidential records.
We cannot process incomplete applications. A complete packet consists of the online application and the following items:
- The complete report of a current Psycho-educational Evaluation (the testing may not be more than 2 years old, except when a WPPSI is administered, which may not be more than 1 year old)
- Report cards, attendance records, and standardized testing from the current and previous year (see link below)
- Student Strengths and Needs Profile completed by the current Reading/English teacher and the current Math/Science teacher - younger students who have one teacher for both subjects may submit one profile (see link below)
- Individualized Education Plan (IEP) or 504 if applicable
- Speech/Language and Occupational Therapy testing, if applicable
- Non-refundable $100 fee
- Student Questionnaire for 7th-12th grades (see link below)
- If applying for 10th, 11th, 12th grades:
- Up-to-date official High School transcript
- Standardized test reports
- Letter of Eligibility for Accommodations from: College Board or ACT, if previously approved
*Please send electronic copies only. If you do not have access to a document scanner, please use a smart phone app like Adobe Scan.
Applicants to Lower School (grades 1-4):
Teacher Evaluation of Student Strengths & Needs
Applicants to Middle School (grades 5-8) & Upper School (grades 9-12):
Teacher Evaluation of Student Strengths & Needs - English and Math
Teacher Evaluation of Student Strengths & Needs - General
Student Questionnaire - MS and US
Applicants to the Global Division (Lab Online - ages 8-14)
Teacher Evaluation of Student Strengths & Needs - Global Division
Already scheduled a visit? Please reach out to one of our nurses if your child has a medical condition that we need to be aware of (e.g., asthma, a seizure disorder, diabetes, uses an epipen).
Only when a complete application file has been submitted will the Admissions Committee review the records. A complete application file includes all items in the application checklist. We rely on parents to log back in periodically and check their application checklist to see if they have to followup on outstanding items. If the Lab School program seems to be a setting where your student will thrive, typical next steps in the process include a virtual meeting with the family and a student visit.
Already scheduled a visit? Please reach out to one of our nurses if your child has a medical condition that we need to be aware of (e.g., asthma, a seizure disorder, diabetes, uses an epipen).
For application files completed by the priority deadline of January 15, admission decision notifications will be made on the first Friday in March. For application files completed after that date, admissions decision notifications will be made as expeditiously as possible.
For Global Division (Lab Online), admissions decisions notifications will be made soon after the virtual student visit and admissions parent meeting.
If the Lab School program is not appropriate for your child, you will be notified as soon as possible after the Committee has reviewed your application materials.
Please click here for the Statement to Applicants from the Association of Independent Schools of Greater Washington (AISGW).
The Lab School’s programs and policies are applied with equal consideration to all of its applicants and students. Lab does not discriminate on the basis of race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, national origin, disability, or any other status protected by applicable law. It is the policy of The Lab School to provide reasonable accommodation to admitted students who meet the academic and behavioral requirements of the school. Enrollment is conditioned on the student’s ability to participate in the school’s programs, with or without reasonable accommodation. The Lab School evaluates each need for accommodation on a case-by-case basis, considering the needs of the individual students; however, Lab’s programs generally are not designed to support the needs of students with primary emotional difficulties.