Photography class outside taking photos

Tuition and Fees

We know. Tuition at The Lab School is expensive. Our intensive, research-based curriculum is driven by a staff with a high level of expertise. And finding the right school where your child can feel happy, confident, and empowered as a successful learner is an investment in their present — and future.

“At The Lab School, you are no longer that kid — the one who struggles to read, or who has issues with spelling. In many ways, you’re like everyone else. You can succeed at Lab. Believing in yourself — that you have the ability to go beyond what others expect of you — is the most important factor of success. Lab helped me do this, and it has changed my life.”
— Lab School Senior

For most students, attending The Lab School of Washington is a special opportunity that allows them to learn in an environment customized to their needs, grow academically, socially, and emotionally, and experience success — often for the first time. Students who attend Lab say that within even a day or two they start to see a positive change in their attitude towards school.

We realize that sending your child to Lab is a significant investment. We’re here to help.

Non-refundable Application Fee: $100

Non-refundable Enrollment Fee (to be applied toward tuition): $2,500

Lower School (through 4th Grade) $63,075
Middle School$63,350
Upper School$64,375
Globalclick here

Contractual Obligation to Pay

Parents agree and accept the obligation to pay the full tuition and fees for the student for the entire academic year, regardless of whether the student is absent, withdrawn, dismissed or otherwise ceases to attend the School for all or a portion of the academic year, unless written notice of cancellation is received by The Lab School Business Office on or before the cancellation date of May 31.

After May 31, the full tuition is owed to the School regardless of the student’s attendance.

The Tuition Refund Plan

The fees for individual and small group clinical services are charged over and above tuition. For information, please contact The Reservoir Group directly.

The Reservoir Group

For details about all our payment options, click here.