All School Pep Rally and Homecoming
The student body came together on Friday to celebrate the spirit of Lab!

Last week was The Lab School's Spirit Week, which culminated in a pep rally on Friday before a basketball triple header in the evening for homecoming. Students from the Lower School, the Middle School, and the Upper School gathered together in the gym to show their school spirit and cheer on the basketball teams before their games in the evening.

It was also time to announce the name of our new Lab School Dragon Mascot - purchased for the school by PALS. Each division proposed a name for the dragon. The votes were tallied and at the pep rally the winning name was finally revealed: meet Jimmy!

Jimmy's first appearance under the official name came with Lab's three basketball games in the evening against The British School. Congratulations to the Boys Varsity team for their big win! We are also proud of our JV Boys and Varsity Girls teams for playing incredibly hard in their close matchups. Though they narrowly lost, both teams never gave up and left it all out on the court.

At halftime of the final game, there was also a special ceremony to honor Athletic Director Angelo Carmina. After 36 years at Lab, Coach Angelo is retiring at the end of this school year. Thank you for your many years of making a difference in the lives of our students!