Graduation 2024

Congratulations to our newest graduates!

The graduation ceremony on June 14 was the culmination of the time spent at The Lab School of Washington for the students in the Class of 2024. Whether they joined this community just for their senior year, or have attended since their days on the Foxhall campus, the growth and success of these graduates has been remarkable. They are also the first Upper School class to go from freshmen to graduations under Head of School Kim Wargo. “ From Day One they demonstrated their willingness to have a conversation with the head of school at any given moment,” recalled Ms. Wargo during her address at the commencement ceremony. “This speaks to their kindness: to adults, to younger students, and to each other. Each and every one of them adds something special to this class and collectively they have enriched our community.”


Liam Crowley

            The Class of 2024 overcame a great deal of adversity to reach the graduation stage in the Lab gymnasium, including beginning Upper School remotely in the fall of 2020. Class representative Liam Crowley spoke about these experiences in his commencement speech. “Adversity is there to challenge us, giving us the choice to either give up or keep going,” he said. “When we tackle adversity, we learn who we are as individuals, and begin to better understand our strengths and weaknesses. We also learn how to adapt, innovate and push beyond what we think we are capable of. I have no doubt that each of us sitting here today has the strength and skills to overcome any challenge you are about to encounter.”

              Commencement speaker Mayor Muriel Bowser also addressed this theme in her speech to the graduates, telling them, “one of my favorite things to say in life is ‘keep pushing.’ In life you’re going to hit obstacles- you’ll meet challenges, you’ll meet great opportunities and disappointments. And what I’ve learned being the mayor of a big city, an important city, is that forces will try to get you off your path but no matter what happens, it’s important to keep pushing.”

Muriel  Bowser

              As the new alums take their next steps beyond The Lab School, we are excited to see the ways in which they keep pushing. Now equipped with a Lab education, we are excited to see where their journeys take them!